MAny of you know the concept of letting go but, when we look even deeper into the issue, it is important to realize why we can not let go. From my personal experience, I had a hard time letting go because I was alway trying to control my circumstance and out of fear I would react to things because I could not except the way things are right now. Well, that was many years ago, and I have practiced letting go and acceptance with meditations and connecting with my thoughts. However, I still have such a hard time with it when it comes to extremes.
This passed month has been a difficult time for our family with my husband having a heart condition and had complication with surgery. It was a extremely scary time for me, watching my husband, Doug struggle like this. Powerless and scared I started getting upset and wanted to fix this, heal him and be free from this difficulty.
The faster I got to acceptance things became manageable and I started letting go and trusting it will be okay, I know I can handle what ever comes my way. I am strong and have faith in the universe. Things did get better and my sweet husband is on the mend. We are not in control of most things. So, now what can we control? We can control our actions and reactions to things, we can control what we think, choosing a different perspective of an issue sometimes helps deal with it better.
Let your life unfold in front of you, letting life be what it is. Trust in your path and connect with your center, your connection to your higher spirit and just breathe.